
Sunday, November 11, 2012


Come in, come in. Put your feet up. Can I get you something? Some tea perhaps?

I am starting this blog as a place where I can dump my thoughts onto the yawning public. I will discuss the craft of writing, the industry, my journey into publishing and anything else I can think of relating to speculative fiction.

I will also discuss my main passion: aliens. Not north American actors with bumpy/stained foreheads or emaciated grey guys with big black eyes. No, I mean plausible extraterrestrial life. The kinds of things that may really be out there, looking up at an alien sky, perhaps even at our own humble star, and wondering if they too are alone in the universe.

Zombies! I love them too, so there may be some posts about horror and my feelings about it, my struggle with writing something that genuinely scares and perhaps a book/movie review now and again.

Anyway, that's enough for the moment. Hopefully you will be able to get to know me better as this blog unfolds. I am always open to sycophantic praise or constructive criticism, and I look forward to using this blog to connect with other writers of speculative fiction. So please feel free to comment or mail about anything on your mind.

Thanks for your interest, and welcome to my tiny little corner of the internet.

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