
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Twitter micro horror

Well, after a long hiatus I am getting back into blogging. I have been so busy with work this year that my writing has been put on the back burner for a while. But I'm getting back into the mood and have more free time so here I am again.

I have started something new, and very very fun. It started as an exercise in editing, but now is my main writing hobby.

On my twitter account, @AlexSivier, I am posting a micro horror story every day. The good thing about this is that I can be lazy about it. If my work gets too much again and I can't focus on maintaining my twitter account, no problem. I have already written hundreds of these stories and use a website called Twuffer to automatically post one per day.

Occasionally I may make requests to my followers, to spread the word a bit, or perhaps check out a link to something I am advertising, like a new book or story I publish, and in that case I will reward my devoted fans with more than one per day. That's the plan anyway.

Here are some examples of the stories I have posted so far:

"I'm not a stalker," he thought. "Stalking implies motion, and I have been standing over her, watching her sleep, for hours."

They brought in the exorcist from next door as a last resort. Little did they know, it was he who was creeping around their house at night.

Their kissing got really hot and passionate, sucking at each other's faces. Then his eyes snapped open. "That's not a tongue," he thought.

I cut flesh, it forms beautiful lumpy scars. I break bones, they set in exciting new configurations. I just wish she would stop whimpering.

"It's not a toy," shouted Melody's father as she waved the chainsaw in the air. "It all depends on your definition of 'play'," she muttered.

If you think this sentence is false, demons won't come to torture you tonight. Sweet dreams!

'Robotically assisted suicide' they called it. When he asked it to kill him, it slit his throat from ear to ear without blinking an LED.

So check it out if you like your horror short and stinging. And spread the word with twitter, facebook or blogging. I'd be most grateful

Next post I will discuss writing micro horror. Until then, sweet dreams.

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